I am working to start a movement to stop the hunting of black bears. I have a particular interest in stopping the hunting of bears with dogs. This not hunting it shooting a treed animal. The dogs tree the bear and then the so-called hunters come in and shoot them. I find that about as cowardly as one cane get.
I find bears without dogs and get close enough to photograph them without being attacked as most hunters will tell you is why they use dogs. The images here tell a different story.
I am going to start a page for help to replace the lost equipment and to pay the cost of going after the county governments and state governments and try to convince them to restrict bear hunting and eliminate it like Florida has done. Florida reinstated the hunting of bears as a trial and hunters starting shooting baby cubs. The hunting was stopped immediately. That can be done other places if we work at it.
The net proceeds of the bear books, calendars and any remaining funds from the funding pages will be used to keep the effort going.